Adeptus Titanicus - Civitas Imperialis Spires

Adeptus Titanicus - Civitas Imperialis Spires

Regular price $40.00 Sale

Availability : Out Of Stock

Product Type : Adeptus Titanicus

Vendor : Games Workshop

SKU: 400-27

Even in the enlightened days of the 31st Millennium, many worlds of the Imperium favoured a Gothic aesthetic in their cities. Towering spires encrusted with gargoyles, domed roofs and vaulted windows featured heavily in their construction, lending Mankind's settlements a distinctive look and feel.

Add this Gothic aesthetic to your Adeptus Titanicus scenery with a set of buildings reflecting this style of Imperial architecture. The components in this set are modular, and can be configured and stacked in a variety of ways. Create multiple small buildings, several medium structures or a single large tower that can even hide a Battle Titan.

This set includes two plastic sprues, each of which can construct two complete buildings or be used to make a variety of larger or smaller structures. The 104 components are also cross-compatible with other Adeptus Titanicus Civitas Imperialis building kits to create a wider variety of scenery to use in your games.


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