A failed alliance tears a nation apart. Ancient rivals join forces. The winds of change are blasting across the worlds of the Inner Sphere, and the battle for Coventry is the center of the storm!
In early 3058, following the disastrous Trial of Refusal with Clan Wolf, Clan Jade Falcon launches a brutal campaign against the Lyran Alliance to regain its status among the invading Clans. As the Lyran Alliance tries desperately to marshal the necessary troops to stop this invasion at Coventry, military forces from all the major powers in the Inner Sphere converge on the war-torn planet. With massive troops posied on both sides of the conflict, the battle for Coventry threatens to explode into an all-out war with the Clans once again! Will the Truce of Tukayyid hold?
The Battle of Coventry is a BattleTech scenario pack that describes the savage conflict between Clan Jade Falcon and defending forces of the Inner Sphere on the planet Coventry. A detailed description of the hard-fought battle, along with seventeen scenarios and special campaign rules, allows players to recreate the events that unfolded in the BattleTech novel Malicious Intent -- and perhaps even change the course of history.